Reviews, Rosaries, Hindus, and Politics

Podcast Episode 27: Reviews, Rosaries, Hindus, and Politics

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number twenty-seven. I’m Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at

This week we got into several new topics and did a couple of reviews. I have a big stack of Buddhist books and CDs here that I’ll be covering in the next few weeks. Since there’s nothing better than giving or getting Buddhist books for Christmas, I’ll be bulking up on the reviews for the next few weeks.

Some minor changes on the website to announce this week. If you look at the menu bar across the top of the screen there are a few new tabs. The new ‚ÄúAudio Archive‚Äù page has a special new Flash audio player that works like a jukebox of the older podcasts. It makes finding older shows easier than going through the menus. It doesn’t seem to work in all browsers, so if it works for you, then enjoy, and if it doesn’t, just click on the ‚ÄúPodcast‚Äù category and find the shows the old way, sorry.

Also on the top bar of the site is the new ‚ÄúMedia Store‚Äù tab. You’ll find my recorded CDs available there, and I have re-done those a bit. The Tao Remastered, The Dhammapada, and the collection old podcasts are still available, only in a new format. Rather than other that material in audio CD format as before, I’ve now changed each offering to collections of MP3s on a single CD for a lower price. Why pay for 3 audio CDs if you can get the same material as one CD full of MP3s. You can always write your own audio CDs from them if you really want to.

The third new tab on the page is for the Weekly Buddhism PDF Magazine. I’ve worked out what the subscription rates are going to be, and you can check them out there. You can’t buy a subscription there yet, but I’ll get that set up once I stop offering the files for free in a couple of weeks. Issues 1 and 2 are already out, and issues 3 and 4 will be sent out in the podcast feed as freebies just like before. I’m putting the finishing touches on Issue 3 and it’ll go online either tonight or Saturday morning. Keep in mind that the Weekly Buddhism PDF Magazine is an optional expansion to the Daily Buddhism, not a replacement. The free emails and podcasts aren’t going away.

And that should cover all the announcements for this week, so let’s get on with the show!

[Read the past five blog posts or emails for contents of the show]

This Week’s Links

Movie: Zen Noir

Buddha’s Ghostwriters and Hinduism

Buddhist Rosary Beads / Mala

Book: The Saint of Kathmandu and Other Tales of the Sacred in Distant Lands

Our Buddhist President: Politics and Religion