Podcast Episode 48: Nichiren, Christians and Getting Along


The pledge-drive for the Daily Buddhism’s new computer is FINISHED! There were 14 donors in total, and we reached the goal last Monday. Thanks everyone for your help with this. I haven’t bought the new system yet, so if you have any recommendations or advice about Netbooks, send me a note. I’m going to leave the pledge drive page up on the site for a couple of weeks so people can see how it went. If you didn’t donate before and still want to, then go ahead, I can always add a little RAM to the system or something.

Now I have a request or a challenge for all you aspiring writers out there. The final article in this week’s podcast is a guest post about Nichiren Buddhism written by someone who follows that tradition. I think it’s time we covered the various denominations of Buddhism once again, but I’d like to do it differently this time around. Rather than simply have me explain the facts, over the next few weeks, I’d like to feature guest posts about various denominations of Buddhism written by actual practitioners of that group. So if you would like to explain the core ideas of your sect or denomination of Buddhism and why you follow that particular path, or why you feel it is the “True Path,” then email me and we’ll discuss your idea.

And now a shameless plug for one of my other podcasts: This past week, I have completely changed the format of the Arcane Tales podcast. The new format is all old-time radio shows. For now, I’m sticking with Mystery, Science Fiction, and Horror themes, but if I get requests, I can add comedies and dramas as well. If you like classic stories that might take you wayyyy back, then check it out, there’s at least one new show posted every day now. Go to http://ArcaneTales.com and subscribe to the podcast or just listen in your browser window for an easy preview.

And now let’s get on with this week’s show!

[Read the past five blog posts or emails for contents of the show]

This Week’s Links:

Starting Buddhist Practice … How?

Christians and Buddhists

Koan: Open Your Own Treasure House

Playing Well With Others

Guest Post: Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra
Mike Lukas: http://www.crackinupradio.com

Arcane Tales Old Time Radio Podcast

Results of the New Computer Pledge-Drive:

Free Newsletter: http://www.dailybuddhism.com/sign

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Email: Dailybuddhism@gmail.com
Donate: http://www.dailybuddhism.com/donate
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