A Reader writes:
I am 17 years old. I have been alone for the last few months, doing a lot of thinking. I am realizing that I am very different from all of the people around me, and that after I have finished my school I would like to leave western society and practice spirituality. I have been reading a lot from the Tibetan book of the dead, and a lot of writings by different authors about the stages of Bardo, which brings me to what I would like to talk about. I am worried I will have a unpleasant journey through the afterlife because I have killed innocent creatures in the past for no reason. I feel very remorseful of this and would devote my life to peace to make up for it, I know that what I did is not who I am, It was wrong and I feel terrible. It was almost a year ago, but I wish to make it right somehow.
However, I have read that no matter how experienced you have become in spiritual travel, if you have unethically harmed the innocent you will have a negative afterlife experience. But I think that if I show brightness to all, for the rest of my days, and be a good loving human, my horrible actions of the past can be overcome by love and happiness. But this is all my own research, I have never had the opportunity to speak with someone who is educated with this kind of stuff, I am the only person I know that thinks like this, therefore I have pushed away all my friends. So it is just me all day alone with my thoughts. And I’ve realized that I want to become a Buddhist. I really need to talk to someone who knows about this.
My Response:
Actually the body/mind its a sensual decease that DEATH will certainly cure it… Just being patient and not over/jerking the mind over sensuality and uplifts of the human forms will do splendid for our Nirvana to carry us home. But since we oppose and want our own fucking ways, Nature, or Gods, will come with vengeance to corrupt us even more, save those who are trying to depart even from their own selves. Beauty, intelligence, wealth and fame. all sales and nothing more.
Standing alone and guiding your own mind to perfection and rising above the human conditions is your courage to know that you are all alone. There are no relationships to nirvana. Nirvana is the realization of the Eternal DOME and not the variation within. Beyond thought and mind movement. Realization comes to mind as being something separate from the seen, becomes the seer, draws the line and remains disconnected as the Unborn…