Questions: Daily Buddhism Schedule

Q&A #4


A Reader recently wrote:


My name is Brian as well, and I recently joined your site, and subscribed to your podcast also. I have just recently become interested in Buddhism, and find the information invaluable.

I have been soaking up info from as many different sites, reading groups and podcasts as I can. I stumbled onto your show from searching in iTunes, and am very pleased with what I have heard so far. I found your website from there.

My first question is: By daily mails, do you mean weekday? or including weekends? I’m only curious because I am eager to learn as much as I can, and was happy to see my first email arrive this morning, Monday.

My other question is regarding the free e-book you offer on your website’s join page. Is this offer still available? I’m sure it would prove an invaluable source in my quest for knowledge. If it isn’t, can you suggest where I might be able to find this book? Is it in print, as well as available electronically?

Thanks for any attention and time you can afford my questions, and I look forward to learning with you, via your emails and podcasts.


My Response:


Thanks for the note, I always like hearing from readers/listeners.

The emails are usually just weekdays. Most of the time there are five a week, but once in a while I get busy ad miss a day. If you want to read all the “back issues” of the email, you can see them all on the website, just look in the “archives” section.

The podcasts don’t have a fixed schedule; I record them whenever I’ve finished covering a subject in the daily mails. It usually works out to about one a week, but there’s no rule.

You can download the free “Essence of Buddhism” ebook at

Have a good read!

One thought on “Questions: Daily Buddhism Schedule”

  1. I’ve also found your site very helpful in issues which, I deal with once in a blue moon. Especially topics on suffering.
    Perhaps one human has a belief system which includes the idea that suffering is normal and all around other humans are suffering, but at a certain moment this person awakens and knows we don’t have to suffer. This person faces rejection by changing his/her belief system. If we are different we aren’t accepted. To be different is an act of rebellion. There will be a reaction inside and outside when we move into the unknown. Fears come out and try to stop our transformation. Chaos is the result. Reason is weakened and loses direction. After the crisis passes in the person and in the outside world also, then the individual is able to be him/herself.
    First there is the war in our minds. Here, the Victim sabotages our efforts to change. Our beliefs are our laws.


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