It’s Guest Post time once again!
If you or someone you know is interested in writing a guest post, drop me a note.
Forrest Curran is the founder of Purple Buddha Project. From Tokyo, Japan; he is currently traveling the World while he spreads motivation and encouragement through his project.
From New York to India
Following your dreams is essentially trying to get from one point to another. To say it in the easiest terms, basically you are at point A (your current position) and you want to get to point B (achieving your dreams). Chasing your dreams is kind of like traveling and at the same time, quite the adventure. Let’s say you are a dreamer from New York and your dream was all the way in India. How would you get there? What if you didn’t have the money to buy a plane ticket?
People give up so quickly and most people are going to quit the moment they realize that they can’t buy the ticket. The true dreamers stick around and realize that there is a plethora of ways to get to India besides riding a plane. One could work on a cruise from New York to Europe then hitchhike to India, one could work for a while then ride a boat from New York to Portugal then ride a motorcycle to India, one could learn French then go to France to teach English for a while then go to India through a ride that his friend gave him, etc…. You see what I’m doing here? There is an infinite ways to go from point A to point B, the only thing that this depends on is one’s determination. Theoretically if one walks all the way to Argentina from New York because in Buenos Aires there is a free plane ticket, even if it might take that person a year or so to get there, they will have accomplished their mission.
Traveling with no money is no different than the decision to follow a dream where the circumstances are hardly ideal: not enough cash, don’t have enough time, having self-doubt, etc. But if the dreamer makes the first step and never heads back, no matter how slow they may be going, the dreamer would be going closer and closer to their dream. The dreamer may undergo through some quite painful experiences trying to get to India, but having gone through those experiences along the journey, the dreamer would had only become a stronger version of themselves having gone through those hardships. Be grateful of pains and mistakes made in life, it gives us a chance to learn and become a greater version of ourselves. Achieving the dream isn’t necessarily the greatest of importance, it’s the person one becomes along the journey to their dreams.
Forrest Curran
Hello Forrest – A strange coincidence….I very much want to go to India (from Michigan, USA), I have the money, I have a friend ready to host me in Northern India, I hope I might visit the places in Nepal where the Buddha was born, received his first disciples, and died (secular terms)….I am 85, in fair health (as of 16 August)….my “challenge” is to decide to make the trip, winter 2014.. while there I might encounter health problems or death [I am ready for either or for both, in truth) – Your letter is an will help me decide to go or to stay at home!@ – Thank you -Namaste, John Hills
Cool article, been following Purp Buddha for a minute
<3 love love love Purple Buddha Project