Category Archives: Announcements

Help Support Daily Buddhism

Brian Passes the Begging Bowl before “Black Friday.”

Good morning! I hope you’re enjoying the Daily Buddhism; I know I have a lot of fun writing it. From the letters I get, I know a lot of you are learning from it, and I’m thrilled to be able to help! Not only do I enjoy it immensely, but due to the state of the economy here in Dayton, it’s quickly changed from a simple hobby to my livelihood.

I especially like doing the questions & answers, since I never know what to expect, but my second-favorite part of the site is the book review section. I have to continually be reading something, which keeps me learning new ways of teaching the dharma as well as giving me new ideas for topics to discuss here. As you have probably noticed, I usually include a link to buy the book from Amazon somewhere in the review. I get a little commission if you buy the book through one of those links. It’s not much, but every little bit helps. The past few years, I’ve done the majority of my gift shopping through Amazon; if you do too, this is a painlessly easy way to help support the Daily Buddhism at the same time.

Are you planning on buying any of your holiday gifts from Amazon this year? Not necessarily something I have recommended, but anything? If you are, please use the Daily Buddhism’s affiliate link to do so. Just go to and find the ‚ÄúSupport the Daily Buddhism by purchasing from Amazon‚Äù image on the upper-right hand side of the page. Click through to Amazon and order whatever you want, whether it is electronics, DVDs, shoes, CDs, gift cards, and of course, books. If you go through my link, anything you buy will count. (Amazon Affiliate Link)

I’ll also point out that the Weekly Buddhism PDF Magazine is available for subscription, and it’ll be continuing for a long time to come. It’s not too late to subscribe now and get all the back issues before it gets tough to catch up. I altered the subscription options last week, and now if you want to use the ‚ÄúDonate $5 a month‚Äù button on the site, you’ll get free issues for as long as the donations continue. Of course, you could always ask Santa for a regular subscription.

The final option is of course, just a simple donation. The buttons for that are on the main page of the site.
If you’ve learned something that has helped you, or even just entertained you, now is a good time to give back. If you’ve learned something, your support will help others learn too.

If you have already donated in the past, thank you very much for your support!

Call In Now!

Call In now!

As I have mentioned a few times over the past week, your continuing donations are going toward improving the show. Although the donations are still a bit short of my goal to cover the voice mail for a year, I have jumped the gun and set it up anyway. It will only take one or two more small donations to cover the cost, so I figured why wait any longer?

We now have an online voicemail system that you can call with your questions and comments. I love answering your emails, and they give me something to share with all the great readers on the daily email list. But I also know that some people don’t like writing long emails, and there are all those people who listen to the podcast who aren’t on the daily email list. This project is meant to make interacting with me and the Daily Buddhism listeners and readers easier. More access and easier interactivity for everyone!

So, here it is. You can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at the Daily Buddhism call-in line. The phone number is 937-660-4949. It’s not toll-free, but long distance is cheap enough that I hope that won’t be a problem for you. This is an automated voice mail system, not a direct phone line; I won’t answer live, so you can call anytime of the day or night without fear of bothering me or getting caught up in a conversation.

After you hear my recorded greeting, just state your first name and maybe where you’re calling from and then get on to your comment or question. If you’ve ever listened to the callers or a talk-radio show, try to use that format. If you don’t want to use your real name, then make up something fun.

“Hi, this is Brian from Dayton Ohio, and I have a question about karma…”

or something else entirely. It’s your line; use it how you like. You don’t have to have a question; if there’s a story you would like to share, or some classic reading or text, an inspirational poem, a book review, or anything, call in.

My Usage Policy

If you call the number, be aware that if it’s appropriate I will use the recording of your call on the weekly audio show; that was the while point of getting the number. Please don’t say anything too personal and especially no contact information; if you don’t want thousands of listeners to have that information, then don’t say it. I also may ‚Äúparaphrase‚Äù your words in writing for use in the Daily Email.

Once again, the phone number is: 937-660-4949

Give it a try, let’s see what we can all do with it!

Copyrights, Privacy, Etc.

Daily Buddhism Privacy and Copyright Policy

Although there’s never been a problem, my little disclaimer about the call-in number last week got me thinking that I should probably post some official notice about legal rights and whatnot. I’m no lawyer, and I’m not trying to rip off anyone, but this stuff probably needs to be said; nothing’s changed since last week. If I’ve left something out or said something you think is worded poorly or is otherwise wrong, please point it out!

Copyrights and Usage Policy:

All Daily Buddhism content is copyright 2006-2008 Brian Schell. All text and audio content is released under the ‚ÄúCreative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0‚Äù license. What this means is that you can copy and forward the audio show or emails to anyone you want, so long as you don’t edit or change anything and give proper attribution, such as a link to the site. You cannot edit the audio shows, but you can pass the original MP3 files or emails on to as many people as you’d like.

By submitting questions or comments in the form of email, blog comments or voice messages, you are granting permission for publication of said material on the website, audio program, email, or other potential future media. If you specifically ask to be excluded from this policy in your message, that’s fine; I won’t use it, just let me know you want to have a private communication.


In any and all cases, I will not use your name or contact information in any public form. Unless you specifically ask me to use your real name, any reference to you will be as “a reader” or “a listener,” as generically as I can. If you choose to use your real name while commenting on the blog or by voice message, then that is your option; what you enter on the blog or record on audio is what readers will see and hear.

The Daily Buddhism Daily Mailing List is for use only by the Daily Buddhism List Manager. Your email and contact information is private, and your address will never be sold or transferred to another entity unless I someday transfer ownership of the whole Daily Buddhism “entity” to someone. There are additional legal rights and disclaimers imposed by Google Groups pertaining to the mail list, you should check their privacy policy if this is a concern.

There is no way to track people who are downloading and listening to the audio program, so those people should have no privacy issues.


The site is primarily supported by donations. The Daily Buddhism is not an official non-profit organization, and all money sent through the Donation Button is legally a “gift” to Brian Schell, but is earmarked for support of the site. The site reserves the right to receive additional income from advertising and commissions as well as other potential sources.

Tao Announcement

Tao Rebooted
For those of you who get the Tao of the Day emails, and especially
those of you who don’t, the website is restarting
with a new translation as of today. We just finished the James Legge
translation, and today we begin one by Tao Huang. It’s far less
poetic, but also vastly easier to follow. I think it’s far clearer
than the previous translation.
If you couldn’t follow the previous one, or never got into it, today
is a great day to get started. You can sign up for the daily email at or subscribe to the DAILY audio podcast
there as well.
And here a copy of today’s chapter/mailing to hopefully pique your

Chapter 1
The Tao that is voiced is no longer that of eternal Tao.
The name that has been written is no longer that of eternal name.
The nameless is the beginning of the cosmic universe.
The named is the mother of the myriad creatures.
Being at peace, one can see into the subtle.
Engaging with passion, one can see into the manifest.
They both arise from a common source but have different names.
Both are called the mystery within the mystery.
They are the door to all wonders.

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A Brief Hiatus (Again)

Sigh. It’s time for another break already;I’m going out of town until May 5th.

Just like before, Internet access where I am going is going to be difficult. The daily emails will stop temporarily and so with the podcast. It can’t be avoided, but rest assured, this will most likely be the last extended break for the Daily Buddhism. We’re mostly through the very basic introductory material now, so when I do return, we’ll get back on track and into the interesting stuff fairly quickly. Stay tuned; subscribe to the podcast and sign up for the email list from the website and you won’t miss a thing.

Now would be a good time to go back over the material we have covered already. ook over all of that and drop e an email with any questions. I’d like to have some questions to answer when I get back.

Have a good couple of weeks, I will, but I am looking forward to getting back to more Daily Buddhism– there are some big things in the works for the future!