The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Meditation Part 3: Empty Mind Meditation

Meditation Part 3: Empty Mind Meditation

This really is the simplest form of meditation to describe, yet it’s one of the hardest to master. Here are the steps involved:

1. Sit comfortably. Pain of any kind is distracting.
2. Think of … nothing.

Yep. That’s it. Clear your mind. When your mind wanders, don’t chastise yourself of complain about it, . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 3: Empty Mind Meditation

Meditation Part 4: Walking Meditation and Kinhin

Meditation Part 4: Walking Meditation and Kinhin

We’ve briefly covered this one, but it is essentially what it sounds like: meditating while walking. You can do this while walking, running, or just pacing around the room in a circle. You focus your mind on how your body moves during the activity. This is not sightseeing, so your . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 4: Walking Meditation and Kinhin