Buddhist Service and Karma Control

Podcast Episode 23: Buddhist Service and Karma Control

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number twenty-three. I’m Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at www.dailybuddhism.com.

Many of this week’s topics sparked some interesting responses which are posted as comments on the website. Remember, there is more to read at the website than just reposts of the daily emails, you can find many insightful comments by readers there as well.

Keep your questions coming in! Send in your questions on Buddhism to dailybuddhism@gmail.com or phone them in at 937-660-4949. There’s no question too small or too basic; sometimes the deepest thought goes into the little stuff. You can also post your thoughts about anything we discuss on the website’s blog at www.dailybuddhism.com

We had an interesting assortment of topics this week, so lets get on with the show!

This Week’s Links

Tao Announcement

Controlling Karma

Book: Buddhist Scriptures, by Edward Conze, Ed.

Dhammapada Chapter 7: The Venerable Arhat

Koan: A Buddha

Buddhist Service Obligations?
Many Comments and input on the topic:

Zen in the Dark, Hurricane Edition

Podcast Episode 22: Zen in the Dark, Hurricane Edition

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number twenty-two. I’m Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at www.dailybuddhism.com . If you have questions or comments, you can post them on the website’s blog or email me directly at dailybuddhism@gmail.com

I did get one call on the dial-in voicemail line this week, but it was too late to include in this episode, so I guarantee we’ll cover that one, and hopefully some new ones next time. Call in with your questions or comments at 937-660-4949 or send in your emails as usual.

Not much happened this week since I was out of electricity and the Internet until late Wednesday. Blame Hurricane Ike.

This Week’s Posts and Links

Zen in the Dark

Koan: The Happy Chinaman

Dhammapada Chapter 6: The Wise Man

Christians, Gurus, Fools, and Business

Podcast Episode 21: Christians, Gurus, Fools, and Business
Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number twenty-one. I’m Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at www.dailybuddhism.com . If you have questions or comments, you can post them on the website’s blog or email me directly at dailybuddhism@gmail.com

Many of this week’s topics sparked some interesting responses which are posted as comments on the website. Remember, there is more to read at the website than just reposts of the daily emails, you can find many insightful comments by readers there as well.

There doesn’t seem to be a great deal of eagerness phoning in your questions. I had hoped to be able to have at least a couple of listener messages to play for you this week, but it seems that no one wants to be the guinea pig. Don’t be afraid, somebody has to go first; call in at 937-660-4949

{Audio} Phone Dialing … Crickets Chirping

We had an unusual assortment of material this week, so lets get on with the show!

This Week’s Links

Black & White Questions, Grey Answers

Dhammapada Chapter 5: The Fool

Koan: The Story of Shunkai


Buddhist Business Books?

Christian Bashing

Copyrights, Privacy, Etc.

Phone-Ins, Performance Reviews, and a Dramatic Death

Podcast Episode 20: Phone-Ins, Performance Reviews, and a Dramatic Death

And welcome back! This is Episode 20 of the Daily Buddhism, and I am your host, Brian Schell. We had a short week this time because of the holiday, so we only had four topics this week.

The big announcement of the week was that we do now have the call-in number. Write this down! You can call 24 hours a day with your questions or topic ideas, your comments and suggestions, or anything else that you think might interest listeners here. The number is 937-660-4949 – Call in and let me know what you think on any topic. And of course you can always send me email at dailybuddhism@gmail.com

Stop in at the website, http://www.dailybuddhism.com. Comment on any topic, or sign up for the daily mailing list while you’re there. Donating to the site is easy and helps keep things running here better and better.

If you’d like to help out without sending money, you can look up the Daily Buddhism in the podcast section of the iTunes Store and leave a review for the show there. I think I only have six reviews up there now, and I know I wrote one of them myself, so that doesn’t really count. As far as my other podcasts, the last I checked, no one had ever written a review for the Tao of the Day site, so if you listen to that one and like it, write a review on that one too. And someone just left an amazing review for Arcane Tales on iTunes; a review like that makes doing it all extra rewarding for me. The other sites and shows are fun to do, but Daily Buddhism is my flagship show, and that’s were the action really is. Keep your emails and questions coming in, I love doing this!

This week’s links:

Call In Now

The Last Poem of Hoshin

The Karma of Performance Reviews

Dhammapada Chapter 4: Flowers