The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Who Was The Buddha?

Who Was The Buddha?
By “Dr. Arcane”

Around 2500 years ago, King Shuddodana Gautama of the Shakya clan ruled in northern India. He built a great castle and ruled his people well. One night, his wife, Queen Maya, had a strange dream wherein she saw a white elephant enter her womb through the side of her . . . → Read More: Who Was The Buddha?

The Fourth Noble Truth

The Fourth Noble Truth

Just to summarize, we now know that all life is suffering. This suffering is caused by attachments and desire. Yet, there is a way to end this suffering. To continue our medical analogy, Doctor Buddha, saw the problem, identified the cause, and then prescribed a cure. Today we . . . → Read More: The Fourth Noble Truth

The Third Noble Truth

The Third Noble Truth

Now we know that all the world is suffering, and the cause of all is desire and attachment. These are important ideas to really understand and think through. You’ll have some extra time today to reflect on the First and Second Noble Truths, because the Third Noble Truth is really simple.

The Third . . . → Read More: The Third Noble Truth

The Second Noble Truth

The Second Noble Truth

Yesterday I explained how ‚ÄúAll of life is suffering.‚Äù I think we decided that this was a pretty depressing outlook on life, but remember I asked you to bear with me. The Buddha wanted to ‚Äúcure‚Äù this condition, and he did. But just like any doctor, before he . . . → Read More: The Second Noble Truth

The First Noble Truth

The First Noble Truth
Today we’ll start the regular mail of the Daily Buddhism. We may as well start from the beginning. The very foundation of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. I can’t think of a better place to start than these ideas. We’ll cover them in order over . . . → Read More: The First Noble Truth