The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

Beginner’s Guide

The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

Recommended Host

12 Steps, Higher Powers, and Buddhism


I appreciate all the hard work that you spend in spiritually enriching the lives of myself and, I’m sure, countless others. It is a matter of life and death for me, as I am on a path of recovery from addiction. I am unable to embrace a “higher power” via the christian concept because . . . → Read More: 12 Steps, Higher Powers, and Buddhism

Buddhism and the 12-Step Recovery Process

Special Guest Post

I received a question on the voice mail hotline last week (at 937-660-4949) which asked how to adapt Buddhist beliefs to the famous 12-step program. I know virtually nothing about the Program, so I asked Darren Littlejohn, an expert and author of an upcoming book on the subject, to help. He explains:

My name is . . . → Read More: Buddhism and the 12-Step Recovery Process