Tag Archives: boss

Working with a Bad Boss

A reader writes:

My question is how do I learn to be compassionate for someone who isn’t doing the same for me?

I experienced what I can only describe as bullying from my former boss in my  last work place and had to leave. I tried to show loving kindness to my previous boss and calmly stood my ground but nothing changed.  I  left and took a fixed term contract just to get out of the situation and now my contract is nearly up. As a result I need a reference but my former boss has refused to do more than acknowledge I worked there. Although we had our differences I feel that I did a lot of good in my job and I believe this is an unfair response on his part. I can of course ask someone else for a reference and his actions will not prevent me from getting another job but I feel that his actions are unfair and I have felt at various points like I should get angry or comfort him about his actions even though I know all of this is futile. I realize of course that the only thing I can change is my perception.

Can you or your readers advise some meditation practice or teaching that might help me get past this?

My response:

Some bosses are wonderful people, while others have “issues.” There’s nothing you can do about it. If this was some simple misunderstanding, you could talk to him and work it out, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. He simply doesn’t like you. Probably in his eyes, you have done something wrong. Whether you agree on this point or not is irrelevant.

Buddha once said, “The more you wrestle with a turd, the more it stinks.” OK, that wasn’t really Buddha, it was my grandma. Still, it’s good advice. He’s got some kind of grudge against you, and has held that grudge for more than a year. It’s not going away. It’s time to move on from that situation. Get your reference from someone else in the company, get one from your temporary position, and focus on getting a new job rather than convincing this guy to like you.

You are right when you say you can only change your own perception. It sounds like the one not letting go here is you. Why are you so attached to having this person approve of you? If you actually did something wrong, then you need to accept it and deal with the consequences. If you didn’t then it’s his grudge, not yours. Let it go. Don’t be attached to anything, much less someone else’s opinion of you.

Check out “The Muddy Road,” a story that applies here.

Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays

Podcast Episode 71:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number 71 recorded June 27th, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show. You can find the text as well as all links mentioned in this program and all past episodes on the website at www.dailybuddhism.com.


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I just released my latest book detailing my stay in Japan a few years ago. It’s called “Teaching and Learning in Japan: An English TeacherAbroad.” It’s a long book, detailing my day to day activities and misadventures living in Japan pretty much on my own. If you’ve ever heard me start a story with “In Japan…” and were curious, then this is the book for you.  There’s a link at http://www.dailybuddhism.com/Japan

And now let’s get on with this week’s show!


Links to this show’s original articles:

Working with a Bad Boss:

From New York to India, by Forrest Curran

Legendary Days and Holidays

When Meditation Isn’t Enough

When Buddhism Fails Me… Abusive Relationships

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That’s all I have for you this week.

If you have a question on any Buddhism-related topic, send in your questions by email at dailybuddhism@gmail.com or go to the website and click on the voicemail tab. The show primarily depends on users to send in questions, so send in your questions!

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I will see you next week!