The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

Beginner’s Guide

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Book: Footprints in the Snow, by Chan Master Sheng Yen

Book: Footprints in the Snow
By Chan Master Sheng Yen
Reviewed by Brian Schell
Doubleday, 210 Pages, ISBN 978-0-385-51330-2
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Have you ever dreamed about becoming a Buddhist monk? I have. I’ve visited some of those temples, and can imagine living there, doing the daily work, chanting, meditation, and so forth. After reading this book, I see that . . . → Read More: Book: Footprints in the Snow, by Chan Master Sheng Yen

Prayer in Buddhism

Prayer in Buddhism

You may have noticed by now, that I tend to avoid writing on some of the more “religious” topics of Buddhism. Instead, I have focused more on the easily experienced and obviously practical truths in Buddhist practice. Not this time, since I recently came across something that I really wanted to share.

Yesterday, I . . . → Read More: Prayer in Buddhism