The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Buddha Salt, Buddha Beer, and Christ’s Corn Chips: Are We Offended Yet?

Someone (I suspect it wasn’t actually a reader) wrote this to me:

Dear Sir/Madam,

As we go to the grocery stores and  kitchens,  we may see “Buddha Salt” by

We think it is a great disrespect to use Buddha as a commercial brand. We also feel that it is not good to use Jesus . . . → Read More: Buddha Salt, Buddha Beer, and Christ’s Corn Chips: Are We Offended Yet?

Buddhist Parenting and Discipline


Hi, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the Daily Buddhism. I have recently taken my dedication to Buddhism seriously. But sadly, I am having a hard time bringing it to my parenting particularly with discipline. I can hug, hold, listen etc. with 100% of my being but I am still . . . → Read More: Buddhist Parenting and Discipline