Tag Archives: travel

Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays

Podcast Episode 71:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number 71 recorded June 27th, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show. You can find the text as well as all links mentioned in this program and all past episodes on the website at www.dailybuddhism.com.


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If you enjoy the podcasts and website, follow me on Twitter. I’m @BrianSchell. I’m also on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google Plus and all the other usual places. There are links to everything on the site.

I just released my latest book detailing my stay in Japan a few years ago. It’s called “Teaching and Learning in Japan: An English TeacherAbroad.” It’s a long book, detailing my day to day activities and misadventures living in Japan pretty much on my own. If you’ve ever heard me start a story with “In Japan…” and were curious, then this is the book for you.  There’s a link at http://www.dailybuddhism.com/Japan

And now let’s get on with this week’s show!


Links to this show’s original articles:

Working with a Bad Boss:

From New York to India, by Forrest Curran

Legendary Days and Holidays

When Meditation Isn’t Enough

When Buddhism Fails Me… Abusive Relationships

Free Newsletter:http://www.dailybuddhism.com/signEmail:Dailybuddhism@gmail.comThe Book:http://dailybuddhism.com/book/Donate:http://www.dailybuddhism.com/donate


That’s all I have for you this week.

If you have a question on any Buddhism-related topic, send in your questions by email at dailybuddhism@gmail.com or go to the website and click on the voicemail tab. The show primarily depends on users to send in questions, so send in your questions!

The Daily Buddhism also runs off your donations, and it’s easy to help out.  I’m trying something new now. If you listen to  lot of podcasts, you may have heard about Patreon. It’s a neat new way to support podcasts and content creators like me. Check it out at http://www.dailybuddhism.com/patreon

I will see you next week!