The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns: Apply Buddhist Principles to Your Life

Five-Minute-Buddhist-Returns-1563x2500.jpgby Brian Schell

Apply Buddhist Principles to Your Life

New for 2015!

ISBN: 1507601573
ISBN-13: 978-1507601570

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A jargon-free, plain-language introduction to the foundational ideas of Buddhism and real-world tips for practicing Buddhism while balancing life in the real, modern world.

This follow-up to the immensely-popular “Five-Minute Buddhist” continues the tradition of easily-understood application of Buddhist principles and ideas to your everyday life.

After a brief “Buddhism Refresher,” this book presents approximately 150 short topics, mostly reader-submitted questions and answers. How do you use Buddhism in your life? Find out how we do it in short, five-minute chunks

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